
Lily is a pot-bellied pig who was 2 years old when she was reluctantly surrendered to Burleigh Manor by her family due to a family medical crisis. It was a slow start, but Lily finally made the transition from being a house pig to being a barnyard pig. She now enjoys life rooting in the mud with her porcine friend, Arnie. She has not forgotten the finer things in life, however, and still loves getting rub-downs with scented lotion. Lavender is her favorite scent!

In August 2012, we brought Mabel home from the County Fair to ensure for her a better fate than that of her 6 siblings…the stockyard. At just 4 weeks old, Mabel was the runt of the litter making her likelihood of survival grim. Mabel immediately took to our Siberian Husky, Bruno, who she adopted as her new mommy and began to thrive. For the first three months of her life, she followed Bruno everywhere and climbed all over him when he was laying down. When she got bigger she moved in with the pot-belly pigs, and when she outgrew them she needed her own place. Shortly after, Hamlet arrived on the seen. He moved in with Mabel and the two have been inseparable ever since. Weighing in at a hefty 600 pounds, Mabel is super cute, very sweet, and really cuddly. Mabel also really loves a tummy rub!

Arnie was a 2-year old, black pot-bellied pig when he came to Burleigh Manor. He is an easy-going, social pig who likes to be with people and other animals. He was surrendered to the SPCA of Chester County, PA by an aging couple who could no longer care for him due to their health problems and his digging issue. Arnie likes to escape from his pen by digging his way out. His owners were concerned he would escape and get hit by a car on the busy street by their house. Now, at his forever home, he happily shares his pasture with porcine friend, Lily. Arnie has quite a personality and will grunt at you when you talk to him. He also enjoys belly rubs and any sort of treats.
Your $25/month or $300 a year donation will supply the following for a month:
Pig Feed and Snacks
24 Bails of Hay/Straw
Annual Veterinary Check-Up